
It is somewhere in Christian writing; it might even be in the Bible, I’m not sure. The text says that there are people who do good and are saints in their own right, except they do not know God, or Jesus. That they are naturally this way, not needing to be prodded by the Lord to do what is good. I wonder how many Christians know about this. There was sort of an uproar when one church had on their outdoor sign, better a virtuous atheist than a bad Christian. And the uproar was quite enlightening. It is a wonder how few “Christians” actually read the Bible, for surely it would be remembered what Jesus said, “Why call ye me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not the things I say?” And I tell you this, surely it will be the virtuous atheist that will be saved, and not the bad Christian. Once again, the Bible makes it clear, that it will not be the one who “did mighty works in [Christ’s] name”, but they who fed him when he was hungry, clothed him when he was naked, who did it for the least of them and so did it for the Lord.

And so it is with the War in Heaven. There are people who fight on the side of right, and most who do so have not an inkling they struggle with us in the War. The highest halls of power are being converted, even as we speak, from the grip of the Age of Iron into the halls of the Age of Gold. One must realize that we make the new Age using the implements of the old, as we invent things from the elements of what has already been formed. The Age of Iron will fight to keep a hold of power, for this is its nature, almost the entire purpose for its existence. Augustine said that one sure indicator of a lost soul is sexual immorality; I disagree. One sure indicator of one lost to evil is the lust for power. You can spot one who is in power, whether he is for the right or the wrong simply by seeing whether his actions are meant to make all of us equal, rather than to put one sort of people in greater precedence to another. Especially if there is no rational basis for that precedence.

The Empire is ending. The Empire has ended. The Empire will end. That is in the language of Eternity. And one from Philip K. Dick: “We have always already won.” Amen, brother. Some in power deceive the people, for they say they side on the cause of morality, of old school values; they say they want to give you back the world as it used to be, when it was simpler and things made sense. They say these things so that they can make money from those who are deceived, and so those people act against their own interests because the deceivers prey upon their pride and their fear. They listen not to the ones that can help them, because they believe that those sort have morals that are “loose.” And things are going to get worse before they get better. But they will indeed get better. For I tell you, the Beginning is near. (This comes with a warning, that a prophet’s sense of “close” may not cater much to anyone’s patience.)

What it ends up being about, the whole fight, is whether you are for or against the Logos. It is a Greek word, often translated as “word”, like the beginning of the Gospel According to John: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The Greek reads “Logos”, which in actuality is better thought of as “holy reason”. This, in other words, is the logic by which all things must ultimately function: the Logos was God. This is why people so often say there is a reason why things happen as they do (they’re right, but usually for not the specific reason they conclude it is for). So, the side on which, exactly, you are on: how do you act to get what you want? For the ends do not justify the means, especially when the ends themselves are not so noble. What will you shove out of your way to achieve your goal? If you tread on people along your way, you may just come upon opposition by people who believe you are wrong in doing so, and if they stand up and fight, they are indeed on the side of the light in the War in Heaven.

For they will try to ape the Logos, those who desire not the light to shine on their deeds, and concoct a story, a logic to justify them, but what they are peddling instead is derangement. Do not believe anyone who says they are for Christ and are against science. It’s as simple as that. What is transcendent needs no protection from logic. To anyone who puts himself between science and God: you underestimate both of them. Do you seriously not believe the evidence of your own eyes? For such you are when you deny such as evolution or climate change. We understand that you are not scientists, but neither are you priests, and you seem to claim to know something about the faith. And how is it that they have made you hate the poor and make idols of billionaires? “They strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.” You would rather squeeze the pennies of aid to the poor to cut countless dollars in taxes for the rich. Because of their story, their “logic”—their derangement.

But everything that is hid shall come to light. If not in this world, the next. And Heaven help you if it is in the next world that your evil is revealed. Those who are of the old age, of priviledge and “divine right” will not give up their grips on power without a struggle. And comes the new age, of pragmatism and fairness, which the world still cannot believe we can ever attain—but I say to you we can. I say to you it comes, not like a storm, but a dewey spring morning. The end of the world is not nigh. We do not count on God to solve our problems in some sort of dramatic and epic cataclysm. The War in Heaven ended—I witnessed Satan cast from Heaven. It is ending, the Age of Iron falling to the Age of Gold. It will end: our job is not done until we are all seen as equal, saint and sinner from the same bowl. It is frightening for those who are invested in the old way. Priviledge dies hard. But we cannot continue to go on as we always have done. History shall bear this out.

They who fight the derangement fights on the side of the Logos: on our side, the good guys. Holy Reason. They who propagate the derangment either knowingly or unknowingly help to spread the Evil. They who fantasize about being a superhero and punching out the bad guy: these are not the ones we are trying to recruit. Christ, instead of conquering the Devil and the world with the power he certainy had, chose instead to go to be flogged and killed in agony; he rather chose to love the world than subjugate it. Because they who would subjugate the world are the ones we are fighting against. Repay not violence with violence. Because to fight the Empire in this way makes you part of the Empire. We must do what is right with reason behind us, not instead to be of brute desire. Not to think that because we are Christians, we must be right: but because we are Christians, we know we are wrong. All of us, sinners. Not a big deal, that, though. Unless, of course, we deny it is true.

If you like what’s written here, check out my book, Memoirs from the War in Heaven.